Graduate program in NanoScience and Microsystems (NSMS)
CHTM faculty have also been involved in the Nanoscience and Microsystems (NSMS) program, which offers M.S. and PhD degrees. This exciting program bridges the distinct properties of the nanoscale to microsystem functionality. The integrated academic and research activities highlight the capabilities and unique breadth in materials synthesis and self-assembly, nanolithography, interrogative plat-forms, and functional micro/macro systems. Special emphasis is placed on translating these technolo-gies to radical changes in the way we diagnose, treat and ultimately prevent cancer.
The NSMS high-lights three technical thrusts:
- Informational Nanotechnology
- Nano-Bio Interfaces and
- Complex Func-tional Systems.
The program requires that NSMS fellows complete a curriculum of integrated courses. The NSMS program brings together faculty from nine departments and centers from across the UNM campus. CHTM faculty are involved in the supervision of NSMS students and teaching of the courses. This has been a very successful initiative with over 50 PhD students currently enrolled.